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Our Warranty How to Request Service Maintenance Manual
Maintenance Manual

We strongly recommend that you have the ducts cleaned by professional duct cleaners (e.g. Power Vac). In addition, the furnace filter must be cleaned or replaced monthly during the first six months. After that, the filter should be cleaned or replaced a minimum of 4x per year.

We also recommend the purchase of a 3M filter for better quality of air and also, installing filters into the heat registers. By maintaing your ducts, keeping your furnace filter clean, and by vacuuming regularly, you prevent so called “infiltration” which is not covered by Tarion New Home Warranty Program.

During the winter months you should make sure that the furnace intake and outtake vents are clear of snow and ice. If the vents are not completely clean and clear of snow and ice, the furnace will automatically shut off. This is a safety feature to ensure that no carbon monoxide enters into the home.

Maintain an adequate level of ventilation throughout the house. We recommend placing a de-humidifier in the basement for the first year to minimize the humidity in the house, therefore, minimizing the number of nail pops in the future.

Kitchen cabinets and countertops can be washed with a mild soap, but do not use any type of abrasive cleaner or scrubbing pad on either one. Do not leave water sitting on the countertop seams as they will swell, and there is no warranty which covers this.

For the cleaning of finished products: plumbing fixtures, vinyl and ceramics, use mild soap and no abrasives. Also note, do not use metal on ceramics, as it will scratch the tiles. For the cleaning of hardwood floors, use hardwood floor cleaners (not soap). For berber carpeting do not use a beater bar as it will cause damage to the carpet which is not covered under warranty.

Your sod and/or driveway should be completed within one year from the closing date. Please note that grading, topsoiling, exterior painting and sodding are seasonal works and will be completed weather permitting. The installation of this depends on the season and the stage of which the subdivision is in. Please note that sharp objects will damage the driveway.

After installation of your sod, it is important that new sod is watered thoroughly and immediately after the installation. Replacing dead sod is the homeowner’s responsibility.

All water lines outside must be properly drained prior to the cold weather starting. If they are not drained, a number of items can occur which is anything from a burst water pipe to a leaky solder joint to a break in a seal (hose bib or not). It is the purchaser’s responsibility to properly drain all water lines to the outside, as any occurrence which happens as a result of not draining the lines is not covered under the warranty program and the purchaser is fully responsible.

We also suggest that all exposed exterior surfaces are sealed to prevent future deterioration. Do not use salt on any concrete surfaces, use calcium products instead.

In order to ensure continued service please sign for your utilities with Union Gas, Union Energy, an applicable Hydro company and contact either the local Township or City office for taxes etc, before or on the closing date. 

For complete details on how to maintain your new home, please refer to a booklet issued by the Tarion New Home Warranty Program -  “What Every New Home Owner Should Know”.

  All warrantable service items must be reported to Capital Homes office in writing on Tarion Warranty forms, either by mail or by fax. Submit 30-day form during the first 30 days of possession of your new home. Your next opportunity to report any outstanding service items is on 1-year Tarion warranty form, during the last 30 days of the first year of possession of your home.